JSA is excited to expand our offering of private flood coverage for residential and commercial buildings. A wait period of only 14 days (as opposed to the NFIP required 30) and the ability to schedule multiple locations into one policy are just a few of the features that make these programs so attractive. Choices of Buildings & Contents coverage, Business Income/Rental Value, or Contents Only coverage, add flexibility for the insureds. Higher available limits include $5Mil combined Building & Contents on any one building, or Business Income up to $500,000.
Excess Coverage and Buy Down options are also available.
Exclusions to this program would be properties located in an Emergency Program communities, mobile homes, medical equipment, perishable goods, or stand-alone Business Income and/or Rental Value coverage.
Start by downloading and filling out an application, then send it back to Michelle Rupard or submit@jsausa.com
Download the Apps
- Available limits:
- Building & Contents – $5Mil combined on any one building
- Business Income – $500,000
- Eligible properties:
- Residential & Commercial buildings
- Condos – Minimum of 4 stories, positively elevated A and V zones, Max TIV $50Mil (we can write a primary $5Mil)
- Coverages available:
- Buildings and Contents coverage mirrors the NFIP form and is Lender Compliant
- Business Income/Rental Value (incl Extra Expense)
- Contents only
- Minimum Points attachment:
- $2,000 per occurrence in respect of Primary Buildings coverage
- $2,000 per occurrence in respect of Primary Contents coverage
- 14 day waiting period in respect of Business Income/Rental Value coverage
- Waiting Periods:
- No waiting period for mortgage loan closings
- 7 days waiting period in respect of Coastal (Tier 1 and 2) risks
- 14 day waiting period for inland risks
- Exclusions:
- Properties located in a community currently in an Emergency Program
- Coverage for mobile homes
- Medical Equipment
- Perishable Goods, including food and/or drink
- Business Income and/or Rental Value only coverage
- Program Benefits:
- Replacement Cost coverage for building & contents
- Ability to schedule multiple locations into one policy
- Competitive rates based on tier county locations
- Policy wording accepted by Lenders
- Basement coverage available for positively elevated A and V zones only
- Available for risks above and beyond NFIP primary limits for all flood zones in all states JSA writes.
- Can quote on locations with values up to $45Mil per property
- Additional limits can be obtained if needed
- Eligible properties:
- Residential & Commercial buildings
- Condos – Minimum of 4 stories, positively elevated A and V zones, Max TIV $50Mil (excess of $45Mil)
- Coverages available:
- Blanket coverage over program sub limits
- Properties that have negative elevations
- Business Interruptions, Loss of Rents and Earthquake coverages.
- Deductible Buy Down Solutions:
- Can be written with/without annual aggregate limits and name windstorms
- Territory – all states
- Range – generally 5% down to fixed amount of $50K, $25K, $15K (as low as $5K)
- Maximum limit is $1,000,000 (higher can be submitted for approval)
- In-house capacity of $20Mil per location all interest (property, contents, business income)
- Perils of flood, quake, wind, hail and all other perils (AOP)
- Minimum earned premium $1,000, generally the premium is 100% earned unless agreed otherwise.
Notice of Loss is filed directly with DUAL Specialty Property’s third-party Administrator. Upon receipt of the Notice of Loss, a claim specialist will be assigned to the loss and they will coordinate with their outside adjusting staff to contact the insured and initiate the claims process.
Claims can be submitted to the following:
Penninusula Insurance Bureau
2842 Lent Road
Apopka, FL 32712
Email: DUAL@pibadjusters.com
Phone: 800-735-6024