Jackson Sumner & Associates can help provide coverage for risks of rentals of ALL kinds. We can write coverage for a room or floor of a primary home that is occupied by the insured, or for rental dwellings that are second homes primarily occupied by others a majority of the year. We offer the convenience of online tools to get a quote, generate an app, and bind the policy to all our agency customers.
- How is the residence occupied?
- Does the insured live there full-time (HO-3), or is it a separate property from their primary home (DP-3)?
- How many days per year is it rented in general?
- If more than 50%, even if it’s a “primary” residence, we may want to consider it a DP-3
- Details of the dwelling itself:
- Loss history
- Values
- Year built
- Size of dwelling and property
- Smoke detectors/sprinkler system on the premises?
- Coverage history
- Read the exclusions carefully and be sure the insured fully understands them. Most of the policies JSA can provide will exclude theft of most valuables and collectibles.
Get a quote and bind your DP-3 policy online (NC and Virginia only) HERE
For SC and Georgia DP-3 risks – fill out THIS APP
For HO-3 risks, use THIS APP
To speak to a JSA specialist in this area, contact Michelle or Rebecca, and they’ll be able to help you find the right coverage for your insured’s rental requirements.