Chat with Cheyenna
New Online Chat available! Got a quick question about one of our online P&C quoters and you don't want to call or email? Chat with Cheyenna! You can find our online chat in these following programs: - Artisan - Contractor's Equipment - Daycare - Janitorial GL - Liquor Liability - Logging GL - Special [...]
Spring Special Events Coverage
Spring is right around the corner and with the warmer weather, fundraisers and festivals hop into high gear. It's time to make sure your customers have the right coverage for these special events, with JSA's help! Make sure your insureds have sweet coverage in their basket for all their events like these: Garden Tours Easter Egg Hunts [...]
My 1st Whirlwind Week at JSA – by Joi Neike
There's a saying I've heard around the insurance industry, "Once you're in insurance, you're in it for life." It's true. Many agencies have been around for 50 or even 100 years; spanning 3 or 4 generations. It's also an industry whose employees stay in 10, 15, 20, 30 years where they end up helping an insured's family [...]
Rental Property Coverage of AirBNBs and more
Rental Property Coverage of AirBNBs and more When Airbnb (and VRBO and other online rental services) first hit the US, there were few rules and even fewer protections for either renters or property owners. Today, there are 660,000 properties listed on Airbnb in the US alone, and the company is now used in 190 countries [...]
Crazy Cinna-Craisin Oatmeal Cookies
Crazy Cinna-Craisin Oatmeal Cookies These yummy cookies are an easy way to get some healthiness into your usual oatmeal cookie. With the tartness of the cranberries, a pop of cinnamon, and the heartiness of oats they are a snack the whole family can feel good about. Adapted from a recipe in a 2013 Saveur, these forgo [...]
Florists, Jewelers, and For-Hire Limos
This time of year, florists, jewelers, and for-hire driving services are in demand. These businesses face risks that are unique, and JSA has access to markets that can help cover them. Here are just a few of the ways Jackson Sumner & Associates can help provide coverage for these business' unique risks. Florists: There [...]
TBT – Kevin’s Groundhog Day Memories
TBT - Kevin's Groundhog Day Childhood Memories JSA Transportation Underwriter, Kevin Hutlemyer, shares some of his fondest childhood Groundhog Day memories with us with this short video. Yes. I said Groundhog Day. Recorded on January 25th, 2019
TBT – 2005 JSA Invents the NCRF Online Quoter
#TBT ~ JSA invents the NCRF online quoter Today's Throw Back Thursday goes back to 2005 when we first introduced our capability to provide North Carolina Reinsurance Facility (NCRF) Commercial Auto Liability quotes online. We were the first company EVER to introduce a program where agents can instantly quote Commercial Facility business on the web. "This program is [...]
TBT – 2006 Danielles First Day
TBT ~ Danielle's First Day Today's Throw Back Thursday goes back to 2006 and Danielle's first day on the job. She had always been around the office growing up, but this was a big day,...making JSA a true family business. "I never hire anyone I can't fire," Wayne told her. We are all really glad [...]