
About Jackson Sumner and Associates

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So far Jackson Sumner and Associates has created 261 blog entries.

TBT – April 1981 The Marketeer Launches

In April of 1981, Jackson Sumner & Associates, Inc. opened our doors and announced it with our newsletter, "The Marketeer." It became our monthly newsletter that was full of JSA news, helpful information for agents, and analysis of the insurance industry. It was pretty much like our e-newsletter today, but with a lot more [...]

2019-04-30T12:54:25-04:00August 20th, 2018|0 Comments

E&S Underwriting 101: The Underwriter’s Toolbox

E&S 101 with JSA from JSA on Vimeo. Chief Operating Officer of Jackson Sumner & Associates (JSA), Danielle Wade explains the fundamentals of underwriting for Excess & Surplus Lines in this quick 6-minute video introduction. We have a passion for insurance education and a culture of genuine care for our agents. JSA hopes you leverage our expertise [...]

2019-04-30T11:34:01-04:00August 20th, 2018|0 Comments

JSA employees part of App State’s honeybee monitoring system research

Jackson Sumner & Associates (JSA) is proud to share that employees Alek Ratzloff and Scott Shuffler, who are software engineers in the IT department, participated in an innovative project that married software engineering and beehives. Over the past five years, a team of students and faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department [...]

2018-07-25T10:11:41-04:00July 24th, 2018|0 Comments

Following a Dream, Stewart Farris Becomes an Independent Insurance Agent

It’s an end of an era. After 10 groundbreaking years at JSA, the beloved Stewart Farris will be moving on to his next adventure. He bids farewell to JSA last week to pursue a dream that has been tugging at him for almost 2 years: to own and operate his own Independent Insurance Agency.   [...]

2018-07-24T09:20:30-04:00July 2nd, 2018|0 Comments

Hurricane Preparation Tips

Hurricane Season is here: Are you prepared? Here are some simple steps to ensure that you're prepared for when it matters most. Originally posted on ICAT Step 1. Identify your risk factors. Hurricanes can be strong, destructive forces with devastating impact. The best chance of keeping you and your customers safe during a storm is [...]

2019-04-30T14:32:07-04:00June 21st, 2018|0 Comments

BREAKING NEWS: UPDATED New Commercial Auto Loss Recoupment Surcharge FAQ’s

The NC Reinsurance Facility (NCRF) has reduced the surcharge for all new and renewal commercial auto and garage dealer policies. Effective October 1, 2018, there will be a 7.07% surcharge, reduced from the previous 14.61% surcharge. This will be in place "indefinitely," as opposed to the one year policy previously stated. *UPDATED FAQs: Q: Will my [...]

2018-10-01T12:25:02-04:00June 21st, 2018|0 Comments

Farewell to Rob Kibler, VA Marketing Rep

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Rob Kibler, our Virginia Marketing Rep, as he leaves the JSA family to move back to his home state of Ohio. Rob has served the Commonwealth independent insurance agents well, and we are grateful for his time at JSA. His dedication, commitment to service, [...]

2018-06-14T17:30:29-04:00June 13th, 2018|0 Comments

Congratulations Brian Lambeth on his CPCU Designation!

Congrats to Brian Lambeth, our Chief Information Officer, who just earned his CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter), the premier insurance designation. Way to go, Brian! Brian joins Danielle Wade & Robin Yokley at JSA who also hold their CPCU designations. Click here to learn more about Brian!

2019-05-28T08:51:13-04:00June 13th, 2018|0 Comments
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