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So far Jackson Sumner and Associates has created 261 blog entries.

Recipe: Butterscotch Pie

BUTTERSCOTCH MERINGUE PIE Ingredients FILLING 1 1/2 cups brown sugar 3 Tbs flour 3 Tbs butter 1 1/2 cups plus 2 T milk 1 Tbs vanilla 3 egg yolks (you'll need to reserve egg whites for meringue) 1   9-inch deep dish pie crust - baked MERINGUE egg whites from above separated eggs 1/4 tsp [...]

2022-06-30T10:31:32-04:00January 17th, 2020|0 Comments

Helping Non-Profits So They Can Help Others

Non-Profits in America: A Driving Force With Unique Risks Non-profits are a huge part of the U.S. workforce and economy, accounting for nearly 12.3 million jobs in 2016, contributing 5.4% of the US gross domestic product (GDP), and providing nearly 25.2% of Americans volunteering opportunities with a non-profit organization each year. These organizations can include public charities, private foundations, fraternal organizations, [...]

2020-01-20T12:04:53-05:00January 16th, 2020|0 Comments

JSA Online Continuing Education

At JSA, we have a passion for education and are proud to share that passion with our valued agent partners each year with free online Continuing Education offerings. For 2024, we are offering two classes for three credit hours each, exclusively to our NC, SC, and VA agents. Course [...]

2025-03-03T09:55:25-05:00January 15th, 2020|0 Comments

Ask JSA: Underwriter Resolutions

Our JSA Underwriters are extremely focused and accomplish dozens of tasks from their inbox queue every day. So when it's time to make resolutions, what sort of resolutions do JSA Underwriters make? We asked a few of our Underwriters what their New Year's Resolutions were. Here's how they answered...   Choosing to [...]

2022-02-15T11:09:12-05:00January 6th, 2020|0 Comments

Vision for 2020

The world around us and our industry are changing at a fantastic pace. At JSA, we not only welcome change but embrace the opportunities it brings. So, what is the JSA vision for 2020? Jackson Sumner is rooted in the culture and values of a family-owned and operated business. Because of this culture and [...]

2020-06-04T09:42:42-04:00January 6th, 2020|0 Comments

Happy Hoppin’ New Year

Different cultures have different ways of ensuring luck in the coming year. One of those is by eating “lucky” foods on New Year’s Day. Below are some interesting approaches to starting the year off right with a belly full of luck and prosperity. Which ones are you familiar with? Legumes: Black-eyed peas, lentils, or field [...]

2019-12-31T10:43:21-05:00December 30th, 2019|0 Comments
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