Jackson Sumner & Associates (JSA) P&C Underwriters understand that the less time you spend on submissions, the more business you can write. To help you optimize your time, our team created a comprehensive checklist to ensure your P&C submission is sound.
Time is money, plain and simple. For retail agents that write P&C business, you want your quotes easy, neat, and fast.
We get it! The Jackson Sumner & Associates (JSA) P&C Underwriters understand that the less time you spend on submissions, the more business you can write. Since we work with a wide variety of carriers, we need certain information to really know if it’s a good fit for our E&S market.
To help you optimize your time, our team created a quick checklist of information we need to start writing business for you.
A Checklist for Submitting a P&C Quote
- A brief summary detail of the risk
- Complete description of all their operations and products being manufactured
- If Liability: employee payroll and/or gross sales
- If Property: C.O.P.E – Construction type, Occupancy, Protection class, and Exposure
- If it’s not a new venture, who is the current carrier?
- Is the current carrier getting off this risk?
- Have there been any losses?
- Where is the price “sweet-spot” to make this a viable submission?
- What markets has it been shopped in already?
TIP: Write all of the above to us in an e-mail for an even speedier experience.
And that is all there is to it! After that, just sit back, relax, and wait for the experts to get back to you.