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Dear JSA,
Why do I need Liquor Liability if the insured is only selling beer and wine?
-Lost about Liquor Liability
Dear Lost about Liquor Liability,
This is an easy question, although one I get asked all the time as an underwriter! “Liquor Liability” is the term for ALL alcohol liability, not just liquor. It seems to roll off the tongue a little better than Alcohol Liability, or even Beer Liability for that matter 😉
As Todd, P&C Underwriter, helped explain, any establishment that serves, manufactures, or distributes alcoholic beverages is liquor liability and has liquor liability exposure. As he also pointed out, this term comes from dram shop laws, which is a measurement that was used to measure alcohol. But that’s more information than either of us need to know!
Just remember, if your client has any type of alcohol (even just beer or wine!) they do have a liquor liability exposure.