The average American spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime (source), so let’s hope you can enjoy where you spend that time. Jackson Sumner is a growing company, and through the years we’ve inhabited several offices. We thought it would be fun to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit our past office buildings.
Our new office building has enough technological marvels to warrant many blog posts – which we’ll get to eventually – but it is marvelous to see how much we’ve grown since our humble beginnings. We know that our offices are important because if our underwriters and support staff are comfortable and happy, you’ll be able to hear it in their voice and feel it with every interaction. After all, you spend more waking hours at work than you probably do at home. You had better enjoy it.
We are fortunate to be a growing company, with great employees who work hard and deserve offices that enhance their experience; so that they, in turn, can enhance yours.
[Also, yes, Wayne Sumner took that bottom photograph of our current offices with his drone camera.]